Live Operations Basics


The Live Operations product allows you to view real-time information about your fleet, such as on-time performance, headways, and assignment issues. This tool helps you identify and address issues as they occur, putting you in control of your service in real-time.

The Basics

Overview: Information in each view is color-coded based on a vehicle’s real-time status. By default, we use schedule adherence information to determine a vehicle's on-time performance in real-time. For routes that are managed on a headway basis, you may want to change the color to view headway status instead. Each view will have a legend indicating which color represents each status. 

Route Groups: You can use a route group as a shortcut to select multiple routes at once.

Using route groups is valuable if your agency typically monitor the fleet for specific groups of routes rather than for the entire system. The most common use cases for route groups are to separate different modes (bus, rail, streetcar, etc), or to separate contracted service from directly operated service. 

A user can select multiple route groups, or any combination of individual routes and a route group. 

If you would like to create a route group, please contact



Search: Start typing and get results for any item that we have integrated, such as vehicle ID, stop name, stop ID or code, block ID, run ID, or operator ID. More relevant results are placed at the top. 

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Filtering the search for specific datasets is also available in the "Filter by Data Type" option in the search bar.

A user can select one type or multiple types. Once a user selects a type, the selected types turn blue and move to the top. Results are displayed only for the selected types.

The default search includes all data types.

Filters: View live assigned vehicles by selecting all routes, multiple, or one route from the drop-down list. In addition to selecting it from the routes selector, you can also modify your filters searching for a specific vehicle ID, stop name, stop code, stop ID, operator ID, run ID or block ID. This will show extra details in the details pane as well as add any additional routes impacted so you can get context about other vehicles as well. 

Some views in the Live Operations product will have differing filter options from others. For example, In the Live Map or Live List view, you can see vehicles that are reporting via their AVL/GPS feed but are not assigned to a route by clicking the switch labeled "Show Unassigned Vehicles."  In the Live List View, you can also view any upcoming trips by using the ‘Upcoming Trips’ toggle. Another example is showing all stops or just timepoints in the Live Map view and Live Ladder view.

Vehicle Details: Click on any vehicle or search for it to get details like the Vehicle ID, trip information, on-time performance, next stop, operator ID (if integrated), real-time crowding information (if integrated), and more! Vehicle details will show up on the left-hand side.

Tip: To return to the filter options, click the arrow on the top left corner to remove vehicle information and see the filters.


Live Map View: Understand all real-time operational health information geospatially. This view shows all real-time information over a map of your service area and allows you to understand how your service is performing geographically. It provides a good overview of your current system and allows you to pinpoint problem areas quickly. Visit vehicle statuses  for more information.

Live List View: View all live vehicle information in comparison to other vehicles in your system. This view compares each vehicle's performance in your system and provides a quick and easy way to prioritize live performance issues in your fleet. Swiftly ranks the vehicles from most actionable to least actionable: showing trips that are missing first, followed by the earliest vehicles, then those that are the latest, followed by the on-time ones, then those that are on layover or deadheading status.

Live Ladder View: Visualize all route and live vehicle position information spatially for all active trip patterns without the context of geographical route or vehicle placement. This view removes route shapes and shows you a side by side view of any or all routes in your system on the same scale. This spatial view is a quick way to understand relative distances between vehicles on a route and manage your network on a headway basis. You can also see upcoming and missing service.

Change Assignment: Click on a vehicle, and in the vehicle detail's panel you can click the "Change Assignment" button to manually assign that vehicle to a route. Keep in mind that Manual Assignment has downstream effects on real-time predictions and insights. Not all users will have access to this action and we recommend learning more about the Manual Assignment tool here

GPS Playback: Click on a vehicle, and in the vehicle detail's panel you can click the "Open in GPS Playback" button to view past historical vehicle movement for that specific vehicle. Learn more about the GPS Playback product.

Off-Route Vehicles: Off-route vehicles are shown in white with a red perimeter in Live Map and Live List views. This feature can help you catch off-route vehicles before they turn into bigger issues. Learn more about Off-Route Vehicles and Vehicle Statuses in general. 

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