Live List View


The Live List view provides a quick and easy way to prioritize live performance issues in your fleet. This view uses a list format to compare vehicles in your system to one another. It ranks the vehicles' from most actionable to least actionable allowing you to make swift and in-the-moment decisions to improve current system performance.


The Basics

Overview: Vehicles are color-coded by their on-time performance or headway status and are shown in a list format that prioritizes which vehicle issues to address first. The live list view organizes trips that are missing first, followed by the earliest vehicles, then those that are the latest, followed by the on-time ones. This is the same order for headway--bunched, gapped, and expected. 

Active Trips: Active vehicle trips in your system will show up in a list. These trips can be organized by on-time performance or headway. Focus on one performance metric by clicking through the tabs on the top of the active trips list. 

Active trips will provide you with immediate information on:

  • Vehicle
  • Start Time (of the current trip)
  • Schedule Adherence
  • Headway Deviation
  • Route
  • Operator ID (if provided by your agency)
  • Trip ID
  • Block ID

Active and Upcoming Trips: The Upcoming Trips toggle allows you to see upcoming blocks by displaying a new row for the first trip on the block. Start Time, Route, and Trip ID will refer to the first trip on the block. When toggled on, the title of the List View Card will now say “Active and Upcoming Trips”. You can click on a row to open the Details panel which will display either Vehicle Details (if a vehicle has been assigned to a block) or Block Details.

Cancel service for the block or trips within the block by selecting the ‘Cancel Service’ button at the bottom of the Vehicle Details panel. This will allow you to select the trips you wish to cancel within the block. Passengers will see the service for selected trips as cancelled. Remember, to serve canceled trips, you’ll need to first reinstate them.


Search: Search by vehicle, block, run, or operator ID to get more details and see where that vehicle is ranked on the list. Search by stop ID, name, stop code to add those routes to your List view.  

Vehicle Details: Click on any vehicle or search for it to get details like the Vehicle ID, trip information, on-time performance, next stop, operator ID (if integrated), block (live or upcoming), and more! Vehicle details will show up on the left-hand side. When you select a vehicle, the details panel will retain information about that vehicle, even when you switch between the other Live Operation views (Live Map and Live Ladder).

Change Assignment: Click on a vehicle, and in the vehicle details panel you can click the "Change Assignment" button to manually assign that vehicle to a route. Keep in mind that Manual Assignment has downstream effects on predictions and insights. Not all users will have access to this action and we recommend learning more about the Manual Assignment tool here

GPS Playback: Click on a vehicle, and in the vehicle detail's panel you can click the "Open in GPS Playback" button to view past historical vehicle movement for that specific vehicle. Learn more about the GPS Playback product. 

View in Live Map: Click on a vehicle, and in the vehicle detail panel you can click the "View in Live Map" button. This will automatically show you this vehicle in the Live Map view to give you a geographical context for this specific vehicle.

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