Off-Route Vehicles in Live Operations


Vehicles inevitably go off-route from time to time, whether it's due to an unexpected road closure or an accidental wrong turn. In these cases, dispatchers need to catch the issue quickly to avoid rider disruption.

Off-Route is a feature in Live Operations that shows you when vehicles go off their preset routes to help you catch off-route vehicles before they snowball into bigger issues.


Off-Route Vehicles in Live Map View

In Live Map view, off-route vehicles show up as white icons with a red perimeter. When you click on an off-route vehicle, the Vehicle Panel on the left displays the vehicle’s associated information. 

For agencies with Service Adjustments: Click “Modify Service” in the Vehicle Panel to make an associated Service Adjustment right in Swiftly, including drawing a detour, closing a stop, and other adjustments to service. The updates flow automatically to all rider- and staff-facing tools that Swiftly is connected to.

For agencies with GPS Playback: Click “Open in GPS Playback” in the Vehicle Panel to investigate when and where the vehicle went off route. 

Off-Route Vehicles in Live List View

In Live List view, off-route vehicles appear as a Status category, in addition to Missing, Early, Late, On-Time, and Layover/Deadhead.

To filter for off-route vehicles: Click “Off-Route” in the top of the Active Trips panel and all off-route vehicles will show up, along with associated vehicle information.

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