AVL View


The AVL view of the Admin Panel contains two sections: “AVL Feeds and “Reporting Rates.” The left-side filters section features a date selector that allows you to select a range of dates for which you would like to see data. The maximum date range to view AVL feed data is up to 7 days.


Feed Details



The Feed Details section shows you summary statistics about each of your AVL feeds, including the following:

  • Latency is the difference between the time that a GPS ping was processed into Swiftly versus the actual timestamp from the GPS ping report. Swifty's latency represents the average latency over the selected time period. Higher latency may indicate a problem in the AVL system.
  • Frequency is the average time between GPS pings received from AVL or GPS reports, for reports during the selected date range. The frequency number seen represents the average frequency for all GPS information over the selected time period for each AVL feed. 


Feed History


The Report Rates chart represents the number of reports from vehicles received per minute from each AVL feed over time. You can select a start date and end date to see data from the past. AVL Data is available as far back as September 20, 2021, and you can select up to seven-days’ worth of data.

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