On-Time Performance Filters


On-Time Performance Filters

The On-Time Performance (OTP) product, allows you to set special filters on your data to hone in on the most important information. These filters can be accessed from the left-side of the OTP product on the Filters Panel:


From here you'll be able to set the following filters:

  • Service Date Range – Select a service date range that you'd like to view for the OTP reports
  • Exclude Date(s) - Select any number of service dates within your service date range to exclude. These may include holidays or other days with unique circumstances that don’t reflect overall performance.
  • Day of Week - Limit your OTP reports to weekdays vs. weekends, or choose a specific day of the week that you are concerned with.
  • Time Range - For the specified service date range look at a limited time range such as A.M. Peak, or Mid-Day service.  Time range references the service date so selection may be > 24 hours.
  • Stop Type - Select from All Stops, Timepoints, or First Stops only.
  • Allowable Minutes - This filter allows you to customize the allowable on-time performance--changing what is consider early and late in this OTP session. This filter is only a temporary adjustment of your OTP parameters, and do not affect the OTP standard parameters for your agency as a whole.
  • Stop Handling -  Swiftly can handle last stop performance in three ways: (1) including last stop arrivals in performance reporting normally, (2) including them but treating early arrivals as on-time, or (3) simply excluding last stops from the data sample entirely.   Swiftly can handle drop-off only stops in three ways: (1) including drop-off only stop arrivals in performance reporting normally, (2) including them but treating early arrivals as on-time, or (3) simply excluding drop-off only stops from the data sample entirely.  As stop-handling is typically done at the agency level, in order to change these parameters, please contact support@goswift.ly


Once these filters are applied, each view will be updated to reflect these filters. Additionally, these will also be applied to the data that you download. 

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