In the On-Time Performance product, you can use the routes view to generate reports for an individual route. This helps determine how that specific route is performing overall.
The Basics
An individual route's performance can be measured using five core reports:
Summary View: See how the overall route is performing and how the route's performance is trending over time. This view compares a route to itself and lays out time trends of a route's early, late, and on-time departures.
Stops View: This view allows you to get a granular look at historic on-time performance for all stops along a route. The Stops view looks at departures from each stop, and sorts information by early, on-time, and late. This data can be downloaded as a CSV. Learn more about downloading on-time performance.
Time of Day View: This view organizes departure on-time performance by time of day. This view allows you to understand what times of day have the best and worst on-time performance.
Histogram View: On-time performance information represented as a histogram, grouping departures by how many minutes early or late they were, and how many stops are early or late. This view can help identify how late your late vehicles are and how early your early vehicles are, giving you a better understanding of how well your system is performing.
Schedule View: A complete table of every recorded departure for one day is in your Schedule View. Each row in this table is a trip (trip start time is listed in the far left column), and each column is a stop along those trips. Each cell displays the number of minutes early (pink) or late (yellow) the vehicle departed a stop. Click on any cell to get details about that departure. This is the most granular view and shows on-time performance by trips and stops. When data is missing from a cell, it means that information was not captured from that stop during the specific trip. This could be a result of GTFS or AVL issue, detour in which the stop was not serviced, or an unassigned vehicle.
The following video covers how to interpret the styling of the Schedule View.
Tip: Schedule view is only viewable for one day's worth of data. If you've selected a date range, the Schedule view will display data for the most recent day in that range.
Service Adjustments within Schedule View: If your agency has access to the Service Adjustments tool, you can see adjusted or modified trips for a specific day's service. Note: Service Adjustments are not available to Schedule View for today's date because of how Swiftly processes data.
Cancelled Service:
In the example above, you can see each canceled trip has an orange bar to the left of the start time and the stop times replaced with "Reduced Service" indicating the cancellation.
Stop Closure:
When stops are closed using the Service Adjustments too, the stop will appear with an "x" in their respective time cell.
When a closed stop's time cell is clicked, a dialogue box will show with schedule, block, trip, and stop information. Clicking the detour button will take you to the Action Log, where you can view more information on this closed stop and any other modifications made in Service Adjustments.
If a detour is in effect, an orange exclamation point will appear to the left of the orange bar. Affected stops will appear with an "x" in their respective time cell indicating a stop closure as a result of the detour.
Clicking the exclamation point will open a dialogue box stating a detour was in effect during trip and gives you the ability to view the trip in GPS Playback.
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