Real-time Stats & Live Map Issues Panel
On the right hand side of the map, the Real-Time Stats section provides a summary of the total active trips that are currently in progress. Real-Time Stats functions as both a legend and a filter for the vehicles on the Live Map.
The Issues Panel can be expanded by clicking on "Real-Time Stats".
Below the real-time stats, routes are prioritized in real-time by number of issues.
Real-Time Stats: filters
In the “Real-Time Stats” window select one or more statuses to filter:
When filters are applied:
- Only vehicles that match the filtered statuses appear on the map.
- Total issue counts are updated to focus only on the filtered issues.
- Route directions without filtered issues appear as "No Issues".
Issues Panel in Live Map
The Issues Panel in Live Map View provides a prioritized list of routes and helps you quickly identify issues across your fleet. Routes with the most issues are prioritized at the top, allowing users to address the most critical issues first.
The route with the highest number of issues will show up at the top of the list, making it easy for users to prioritize issues. The list updates in real-time.
Route details
- Routes are split by direction
- Route direction can be expanded to show list of blocks and vehicles
- Vehicles or blocks with issues are marked with a red dot on the left. See below for the different problem definitions we support.
Routes with no active routes are shown as "No active blocks".
Routes with blocks running without issues are shown as "No issues".
Route details when there isn't a direction selected:
Route details when there is a direction selected:
Issue Types
Early: The vehicle is running early relative to the defined early threshold.
- Missing: The next trip in the block is scheduled to start within the next 5 minutes, but no vehicle has been assigned.
- Late Trip Start: The vehicle is in deadhead/layover status and its assigned departure time has passed. The vehicle should have already started its next trip.
- Late: The vehicle is running more than 10 minutes late.
- Off-route: The vehicle may have deviated from its route path.
- Performance Unavailable: The vehicle is not adhering to its assigned block. It may have stopped moving or become very off schedule.
- Bunched: The vehicle's actual headway is 75% or less than the scheduled headway. Vehicles that are too close together.
- Gapped: The vehicle's actual headway is 125% or more than the scheduled headway. Vehicles that are too far apart.
Highlight a route
When a user selects a route, vehicle, or block, the corresponding route is highlighted so the user can focus on that route without having to unselect other routes on the map. A purple route bar with the route name will show up at the top, graying out other routes to make vehicle monitoring easier.
The route bar appears with the following interactions:
- User selects a vehicle/block from the search bar
- User selects a vehicle by clicking on it on the map
- The user expands one of the route cards in the Issues panel on the right side of the map.
- User clicks on a row within the route card
To remove the route bar, the user can click outside the selected route on the map or click the "X". By closing the route bar, vehicle selection will be cleared.
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