Live Map View

The Live Map view gives you a bird’s eye view of your transit system and helps you quickly pinpoint problems or vehicle performance issues throughout your fleet. This view provides geographical context of your routes and is great for knowing exactly where vehicles are in your system and how far away they are from their next stop or time point. 

The Basics

Overview: Vehicles are color-coded based on your selected vehicle color: by their on-time performance, by real-time headway status, or by direction. Larger vehicle size or indicates that a problem (i.e. earliness or bunching) is more severe.

Real-Time Stats: This health report helps you monitor fleet performance in real-time. "Active Trips" are trips the total number of active blocks with trips that can be assigned at that moment. "Unassigned" is the number of active trips that do not have a vehicle currently assigned to them. Also, this acts as a legend for the color-coded vehicles on the Live Map. Visit Vehicle statuses for more information.

Route(s): Select all routes, multiple routes, or one route to populate the map with live route information. The purple lines are your transit routes, the white dots are stops on the route, and the purple dots are time points. All of this information comes from your GTFS static files. 

Stops/Timepoints: Click on a white or filled in purple dot to get general stop information such as stop name, stop ID, and stop code. Stops will display route information and commonly a stop serves multiple routes, so you might see multiple route numbers for one-stop. Finally, click on a stop to show the next bus arrival predictions and which vehicles will arrive next. 


Vehicle Details: Click on any vehicle or search for it to get details like the Vehicle ID, trip information, on-time performance, next stop, operator ID (if integrated) , and more! Vehicle details will show up on the left-hand side. When you select a vehicle, the details panel will maintain throughout the three Live Operation views.

Vehicle Search: Search by vehicle ID, stop name, stop code, block ID, run ID, or operator ID to locate a specific vehicle or stop on the Live Map. When you search for a stop, all routes that utilize that stop will also be added to your filters.

Vehicle Label: In Live Map you can turn on or off vehicle labels. This feature allows you to view the vehicle ID of vehicles while they are moving around on the map.


Change Assignment: Click on a vehicle, and in the vehicle detail panel you can click the "Change Assignment" button to manually assign that vehicle to a route. Keep in mind that Manual Assignment has downstream effects on predictions and insights. Not all users will have access to this action and we recommend learning more about the Manual Assignment tool here

GPS Playback: Click on a vehicle, and in the vehicle detail's panel you can click the "Open in GPS Playback" button to view past historical vehicle movement for that specific vehicle. Learn more about the GPS Playback product.

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