How does Swiftly process data?


Swiftly records transit data in real time. When an in-service vehicle passes a stop, Swiftly records a raw observation of the arrival and departure times. Then, at the end of each service day, Swiftly reconciles all of these stop observations and matches them with the schedule provided by your agency’s GTFS. This post-processing allows Swiftly to compare the service that was scheduled to the service that was actually provided. Post-processing takes into account any service adjustments that were entered into Swiftly or in your agency’s GTFS-RT feed.

In On-Time Performance, Swiftly is able to show you the most recent raw (real-time) data and the post-processed data. Because these datasets are summarizing slightly different information, Swiftly does not display raw data and post-processed data together. When selecting a date range, you may see a prompt to adjust your dates to view either the current day’s raw data or historical, post-processed data.

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