Run-Times Suggestion View


The Suggestion view in the Run-Times product uses data referenced from the Analysis and Comparison views to generate suggested run-times that could increase potential on-time performance for a route. This view can help you find slack in your schedule to cut down on operating costs or help to identify routes that need more time to improve performance. 



Which trips are included?

Suggested Run-Times only analyzes trips with complete data (complete trips).  A complete trip is one that has an arrival or departure observed for every scheduled stop.  Suggested run-times was designed specifically this way to provide the most accurate suggestions by looking at fully served trips.  If an vehicle made a trip detour that resulted in even one stop being missed, the detour path could still be long enough to add a significant amount of time, which would affect the overall timing recommendations.  Therefore, in an effort to be confident and accurate in our recommendations, Swiftly only includes complete trips when making suggestions.


Filters: With the Suggestion view, you can look at a certain route in a specific direction. You can also look at run-times for any date range - be sure to pick at least 4 weeks of data from the Filters panel to be sure you're working with a healthy data set. Keep in mind, you can exclude dates that may impact on-time performance (snow days, events that disrupt service, etc.).

Under the Display settings in the Filters panel, you can make further adjustments to: 

  • Service ID  Pick which service ID you want to analyze (Swiftly will automatically display the service ID with the most data).
  • Trip pattern  Pick which trip pattern you want to analyze (Swiftly will automatically display the service ID with the most data).
  • Stop type – View "All Stops" or operational "Timepoints".
  • Allowable Minutes  Adjust the on-time performance standard used to suggest run-times. 
  • Run-Time Format – Display suggested run-times in either whole minutes or minutes-and-seconds.


Tip: If you click the expand button above "Trip Pattern" you can show a map view of the route you are analyzing. This map will also show you the various trip patterns you can choose between. 


Suggested Run-Times Deep-Dive 

Compare Potential OTP of your existing scheduled run-times with Swiftly's suggested run-times. This comparison will tell you how much your potential OTP could increase by adopting Swiftly's run-times suggestions. The suggestion view will show you overall Potential OTP comparisons for the whole route, or specifically for each time band on a route. OTP calculations assume that vehicles always depart the first stop on-time. Potential_OTP.png

View Cumulative or Non-Cumulative Run Times by checking the box in the upper-right portion of the screen. Cumulative run-times will show the elapsed run time of each displayed stop, which means the time values will add up until the final stop. While non-cumulative will reveal the run time differences between each segment of the route, which will show a mutually exclusive run-time between stops.


Cumulative Run-Times:


Non-Cumulative Run-Times: 


Compare Swiftly's suggested run-times with Your current scheduled run-times by checking the box in the upper-right portion of the dashboard screen.


This allows you to do a side-by-side comparison of your current run-times to the ones we suggest. This helps you clearly see the difference between the two different run-times. Your current run-time is the brown value on the screen. Compare_your_run-times.png

Download suggested run-times into a CSV file by clicking the downward arrow button. Learn more about downloading your run-time data. 


Learn more about how Suggested Run Times are calculated by Swiftly here, or click the "i" (information) icon in the upper-right portion of the dashboard screen. 

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