Navigation in Onboard App


Navigation in Onboard App is a feature that provides visual and audio turn-by-turn instructions for operators. Navigation in Onboard App helps agencies improve on-time performance and reduce wrong turns, navigate detours, and make adjustments with turn-by-turn instructions. Additionally, it improves training quality.

Navigation in Onboard App is an optional feature. If you would like to enable Navigation in Onboard App, reach out to our Technical Support team

Getting Started

Make sure you have the latest version of Onboard App installed on your Android device. Then follow these steps:

  1. Open Onboard App, log in, and navigate to the Map view.
  2. Tap on the "Navigate" button to begin receiving turn-by-turn instructions for your route.

On-route Navigation

As you progress along your route, Onboard App will provide you with clear visual and audio instructions for each upcoming maneuver, ensuring you stay on the right path.

Detour Support

If your agency uses Service Adjustments, when a dispatcher or other staff member creates a detour in the Swiftly Dashboard, Navigation in Onboard App will dynamically update the instructions to reflect the new path. You'll be able to adapt to these changes easily and continue your journey smoothly.

Stopping Navigation

Navigation will stop automatically at the end of your trip. If you want to stop it manually, just tap on Stop Navigation button.

Off-route Navigation

If you accidentally get off-route, Onboard App will show a "Return to Route" message. As soon as you are back on route, turn-by-turn instructions will resume.

Audio instructions

Audio instructions are enabled by default. Make sure that the tablet is not muted and that notifications are enabled by using the volume buttons on the side of the tablet.

If you want to mute audio instructions, tap on the speaker icon to mute them, or directly mute your device. 

Navigation at the end of the trip

At the end of the trip, turn-by-turn instructions will stop, and the status bar at the top will turn blue with a message: “Depart in X min”. A blue Navigate button will show up to start navigation for the next trip in block.

Navigation at the end of a block

At the end of the block or if the remainder of the block is canceled, operators will be prompted to deactivate the tablet by tapping the Log Out button.



Occasionally, you may encounter specific issues while using Navigation in Onboard App. Our system is designed to handle these edge cases and provide you with appropriate messages or instructions to help you navigate effectively.

If you face any difficulties, we want to hear your feedback! Please record your vehicle ID, the time, what you expected Onboard App to do, and what it actually did, and share that information to Swiftly through a supervisor.

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