Define Time Periods, Import Tags & Geographic Layers into Hopthru Analyze


Define Time Periods


Hopthru supports filtering the APC data by time periods. These time periods can be defined to match the range of service periods that the agency provides.


Default Time Periods

By default, the following time periods are available:

Early Morning: 3:00 AM – 5:00 AM
Peak Morning: 5:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Midday: 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Early Afternoon: 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
Late Afternoon: 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Night: 7:00 PM – 2:59 AM

Customizing Time Periods

Agencies can customize these ranges to better reflect their operational needs. There can be as many or as few time periods as the agency wants. To do so:
Define the desired time ranges in the following format with each period having its name, start and end times
Provide this information to your Swiftly Implementation Manager or Account Manager.



Import Tags


Hopthru supports the use of "tags" to enhance the filtering and grouping capabilities of stops, routes, and layers in your transit system. Tags are customizable identifiers that allow agencies to organize and query data effectively based on specific attributes.

Purpose of Tags

Tags can be applied to routes and stops to enable better categorization and analytics. Examples include:

  • Routes: Express routes, local routes, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), night routes, or school-specific routes.
  • Stops: Stops with benches, shelters, ADA accessibility, park-and-ride facilities, or high-ridership designations.

Data Submission Requirements

To ensure a smooth implementation, the agency must provide Hopthru with a CSV file containing the relevant tag data. The file should adhere to the following specifications:

CSV File Format

  1. Headers:

    • For routes: route_id, tags
    • For stops: stop_id, tags
  2. Columns:

    • route_id or stop_id: Unique GTFS identifier for the route or stop.
    • tags: A comma-separated list of tags applicable to the route or stop.
  3. Example CSV for Routes:

  4. Example CSV for Stops:


Submission Process

  1. Prepare the CSV file according to the format above.
  2. Ensure that each tag is relevant and consistent with your operational needs.
  3. Submit the finalized CSV file to your Hopthru Implementation Manager.

Best Practices

  • Use consistent naming conventions for tags (e.g., use ADA-accessible instead of ADA to ensure clarity).
  • Avoid redundant or overlapping tags.
  • Review the CSV file for accuracy before submission to minimize import errors.

Next Steps After Submission

  1. Hopthru will validate the CSV file for format and content consistency.
  2. The tags will be imported into the Hopthru platform.
  3. The agency will have an opportunity to review and verify the imported data.

Contact for Support If you have questions or require assistance during this process, please contact your Hopthru implementation manager.

Example File for Stop Tags




Import Geographic Layers

Hopthru also supports custom data layers that agencies may wish to import into Hopthru.

With layers, users can group and filter data by geographical region. This powerful feature enables use cases such as corridor and Title VI analysis.

Out of the box, Hopthru comes with a census tracts layer:

Screenshot 2023-09-07 at 5.01.21 PM.png

Agencies may wish to import additional layers such as city council districts or transit districts.

Hopthru can import any vector format found here. Please get in touch with your customer success manager to coordinate the uploading of additional layers.

Example File For Layers

A subset of census tracts in a csv format





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